5 events found.
ICEJ Meeting
Zoom LinkICEJ will be having its monthly meeting via Zoom to discuss ongoing initiatives in the coalition. Contact usĀ for the Zoom link!
July ICEJ Meeting
Zoom LinkICEJ will be having its monthly meeting on July 9th at 3:30 PM. Contact us for the zoom link!
August ICEJ Meeting
Zoom LinkICEJ will be having its monthly meeting on August 13th at 3:30 PM. Contact us for the zoom link!
September ICEJ Meeting
Zoom LinkICEJ will be having its monthly meeting on September 10th at 3:30 PM. Contact us for the zoom link!
Cultivating Resilience Virtual Workshop
Zoom LinkInterfaith Coalition for Earth Justice invites you to save the date for our upcoming online workshop in November, Cultivating Resilience. These times of uncertainty, chaos, and transformation require that we attend to our body, mind, and spirit. We need tools …