Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice is continuing to meet monthly on Zoom to discuss and plan sustainable and equitable initiatives in the San Diego region!
Contact us or email us at for the Zoom link if you’re interested in joining, all are welcome!
Click here for our meeting calendar
ICEJ attends local community fairs to educate public about the issues of climate change and engage people in a call to action as part of our mission of educating, equipping, and mobilizing faith communities in environmental justice. If your organization will be hosting an event and you would like ICEJ to attend, please contact us.

ICEJ is partnering with other environmental justice non-profits to host Advancing Earth Justice, a free online speakers series on the issues of climate change – Dr. Aaron Gross spoke about the link between our industrial animal agriculture and the creation of pandemics and how we need to change to create a better future. Rev. Peggy Clark was a Unitarian Universalist delegate at both UN’s COP 26 (Conference of Parties) meetings andl shared her observations and insights with us. We will be offering our next online talk in Fall 2022.

Dr. Reverend Beth Johnson, Minister at the Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship offers workshops based on Joanna Macy’s the work that reconnects. Past workshops have included: Cultivating Resilience, Love Letters To Earth and more.

ICEJ is available to deliver congregation workshops to educate congregation and community members about climate justice and how they can act individually and collectively to address climate change and facilitate a just transition to clean energy. If you are interested in receiving a workshop, contact us!