We encourage you to Pledge to be a Compassionate Climate Voter. This election is a moment for fundamental change. It is crucial to vote our values as we can make the change to elect officials who are dedicated to eliminate structures of oppression, ending environmental injustice, and tackling climate change. Check out our resource on Voting our Values , and pledge to be a compassionate voter!
Do you pledge to vote with climate in mind?
I am pledging to be a Faith Climate Justice Voter to put love into action for every living creature and for every vulnerable community suffering the impacts of climate change, from sea rise, to extreme heat, to devastating droughts, to supercharged storms.
Do you pledge to vote knowing that climate justice is rooted in environmental justice?
I am in solidarity with all who are disproportionately burdened with climate impacts, including people of color, underserved communities, and people with disabilities.
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