Pre-Inaugural Candlelight Vigil: “Bringing Light into the Darkness,”

On Wednesday, January 15 In solidarity with GreenFaith communities throughout the country, the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice held a pre-inaugural candlelight vigil, “Bringing Light into the Darkness,”in Balboa Park. Faith community activists and lovers of Earth gathered to shine a light of hope in the darkness of the harmful rhetoric and anticipated actions that threaten climate and social justice progress. The vigil featured faith reflections and songs on the theme of light. Speakers included: Yusef Miller, Bobby Wallace, Imam Taha, Christina Slentz, Rev. Penny Bridges, and Venerable Miao Zang.

Greenfaith is a worldwide multi-faith climate and environmental movement.  We also encouraged everyone to sign this GreenFaith pledge – Call to Courage.

The Kumeyaay Vision of Earth Justice: An Interview with Bobby Wallace and Sarahmarie Llyemewaa Redfern of the Barona Band of Mission Indians

After years of ignoring indigenous peoples, the U.S. environmental movement has embraced them as partners in protecting the integrity of ecosystems and as teachers in modeling a truly sustainable lifestyle. What are some of the traditions of earth care that the Kumeyaay lived out for thousands of years here in San Diego County, and how did those practices grow out of their religion? Former ICEJ Chairperson, Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson, interviews several members of the Kumeyaay nation including eco-justice activists Bobby Wallace and Sarahmarie Llyemewaa Redfern. Mr. Wallace and Ms. Redfern reflect on their life journeys as activists, direct us toward local eco-justice issues, and address what true justice from the U.S. might look like for the Indigenous.

Note: The El Monte Valley sand mine that is mentioned in both videos has not yet been restarted but we fear that it will be any day now. ICEJ is committed to opposing it if and when it is restarted.

Short Video (6 min)

Full Interview (1.5 hrs)

Providing Compassionate Leadership in Sustainable Development Workshop

Bob Gilleskie, author of LIGHTING THE WAY: Providing Leadership in Sustainable Development, leads this workshop on compassionate leadership and how it can address some of our current social problems. He focuses on the characteristics of such leadership: Communication, Vision, Positive Attitude, Presence, Responsibility, Respect, and Empathy. Whether you are a concerned citizen who wants to take action or a political, economic or social leader this workshop is for you. Bob Gilleskie, is a former Naval Officer, energy manager, and a leader in both profit and non-profit enterprises and author. Bob is also a member of the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice Working Group.

Ashes 2 Action – A Climate Memorial ServiceAshes 2 Action – A Climate Memorial Service

On Monday, Nov. 13, almost 50 people marched with a cardboard coffin through the streets of downtown San Diego.  We processed from Bank of America to Wells Fargo with stops at Chase and Citibank.  These are the big four fossil fuels funding banks who have poured over one trillion dollars into the industry since 2016.  Outside each bank, we honored the approx. two million people who have died of climate related events over the last fifty years.  Members of the Indigenous, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim and Christian faiths offered prayers and rituals from their traditions.  Participants ranged in age from late teens to senior citizens and represented the organizations who partnered with ICEJ on the event: SanDiego350, Third Act, Clean Earth 4 Kids, and GreenFaith.  We are planning further actions with our “mock” coffin so stay tuned for developments.

Faith in Action – ICEJ and the Environmental Crisis

Phil Petrie was invited to speak at the “Thank Buddha it’s Friday” talk at the Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Buddhist Temple. His talk includes a historical perspective on the environmental crisis, what ICEJ believes about faith and action, how different faith traditions offer solution to the environmental crisis and how ICEJ educating, equipping and mobilizing faith communities to take action for climate resilience.

Investing in Our Values with Michael Richardson

As part of our ongoing Advancing Earth Justice speaker series, Michael Richardson, co-founder of Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith and lifelong activist will address how we can move finances from funding fossil fuel extraction, production and distribution… and instead direct bank deposits, insurance premiums, and investment portfolios to fund local businesses and farms, affordable housing, and development of renewable clean energy.  His activism is driven by the moral imperative to stop funding climate chaos–the same moral imperative that led ICEJ to pressure Chase, Citibank and Wells Fargo to cease loans to the fossil fuel industry. 

Banking on our Future Rally

ICEJ and a coalition of eight environmental justice organizations came together to organize a Third Act National Day of Action in San Diego to protest the big four banks that fund fossil fuel projects by asking people to sign a pledge to divest from these institutions and put their finances in other banks and credit unions that support the environment. In the pouring rain over fifty people joined the rally and watched break dancer performance as well as cut up their credit cards.

Interview with KNSJ 89.1 – Banking on Our Future

Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice: A Call to Hope & Action in San Diego

From Faith to Activism

Empowering Youth

About the Coalition

Videographer: Jason Segal

These videos have been sponsored by ICEJ and SanDiego350 and supported by a generous grant from First Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Hillcrest, San Diego.

Faiths 4 Climate Justice San Diego Rally